乔治(弗莱迪·海默 Freddie Highmore 饰)是一个聪明的孩子,一直逃避学习的他总是在课堂上各种涂鸦,因此从未完成任何一门功课,将要面临无法毕业的困境。而校花莎莉(艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 饰)在极受欢迎的外表下掩藏着忧伤的内心世界。莎莉和乔治发现彼此有着许多相似的地方而成为朋友,并且互相产生了好感。乔治在得知自己难以获得高中毕业证书后不顾一切地想要逃离高中生活,因为有一手绘画的绝活,所以想用此来约束自己,于是做了艺术家达斯汀(迈克尔·安格拉诺 Michael Angarano 饰)的学徒。达斯汀看到了乔治身上的潜质,乔治也似乎找到了人生的方向,但他长期以来的懒散作风却阻碍着他的进步.........
With ruthless US and Japanese investment banks circling Tuftons, a struggling two-hundred-year-old, family-run British bank, can its bumbling, incompetent chairman, Sir Charles Bunbury, fend off the onslaught and save the bank?...
In 1984 Indian Airlines flight IC 691 is hijacked and taken to Lahore this is the fifth Indian Airlines flight hijacked in the last seven <a href="https://www.douban.com/link2/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yuankan.cc&link2key=f2bb1c7283" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.yuankan.cc</a> years in tenure of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. RAW decides to appoint one of their undercover agent Anshul Malhotra known by his code name Bell Bottom who has done numerous research on the flights hijacked in last few years a......